Month: April 2024

Urban Acupuncture: Healing Cities One Pinpoint at a Time 

Urban Acupuncture: Healing Cities One Pinpoint at a Time A novel approach to urban planning and rehabilitation known as “urban acupuncture” sees cities as living things in need of focused measures. To support sustainability, health, and vibrancy. Inspired by the traditional Chinese medicine of acupuncture, which stimulates body points with well-placed needles to facilitate healing, …

Urban Acupuncture: Healing Cities One Pinpoint at a Time  Read More »

Circular Economy Solutions: A Key Strategy for Climate Resilience 

Circular Economy Solutions: A Key Strategy for Climate Resilience   From wood and steel to water and electricity, the construction of our homes, offices, and infrastructure consumes an immense number of resources. The construction industry is responsible for extracting 30% of natural resources and generating 25% of the world’s solid waste. Furthermore, a staggering 38% …

Circular Economy Solutions: A Key Strategy for Climate Resilience  Read More »

How Grey Water Recycling Helps Solve Bangalore’s Water Crisis

How Grey Water Recycling Helps Solve Bangalore’s Water Crisis In recent years, Bangalore, like many cities worldwide, has been grappling with a water crisis worsened by rapid urbanization, population growth, and climate change. Amidst this challenge, recycling greywater has emerged as a favourable solution to alleviate the strain on freshwater resources and address water scarcity …

How Grey Water Recycling Helps Solve Bangalore’s Water Crisis Read More »

The Four Laws of Disaster Risk: The Urbanization Dilemma    

The Four Laws of Disaster Risk: The Urbanization Dilemma In the big picture of human advancement, building cities and towns represents progress and chances for many people. However, there’s a danger hiding in these busy places: the increasing risk of disasters. This article explores how we handle these risks and how living in cities can …

The Four Laws of Disaster Risk: The Urbanization Dilemma     Read More »

How to Protect Yourself from Scorching Temperatures

How to Protect Yourself from Scorching Temperatures As temperatures soar during the scorching heat of summer, finding ways to stay cool becomes essential for our comfort and well-being. The intense heat can make daily activities challenging and even pose health risks if not managed properly. However, there are practical measures we can take to beat …

How to Protect Yourself from Scorching Temperatures Read More »

Global Goal on Adaptation, The Road Ahead

Global Goal on Adaptation, The Road Ahead Climate change is a reality that’s undeniably altering the fabric of our ecosystems, economies, and societies. In our collective struggle to forge a sustainable path forward, the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) emerges as a vital piece of the puzzle – not just as an objective, but as a mission to bolster resilience in …

Global Goal on Adaptation, The Road Ahead Read More »

Enhancing Indoor Air Quality: The Vital Role of HVAC Systems 

Enhancing Indoor Air Quality: The Vital Role of HVAC Systems The quality of the air we breathe indoors profoundly influences our health and well-being. With a substantial portion of our time spent indoors, be it at home, work, or public spaces, it’s imperative to recognize the pivotal role that Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) …

Enhancing Indoor Air Quality: The Vital Role of HVAC Systems  Read More »